Again got pretty cold during the night. I thought we were going south! But today turned out to be a pretty good day – after a very bad (or so we thought) start.
Got ready to leave. Pulled in the step, unplugged things, put things away, stowed the satellite (put it down). Oh, oh – satellite dish did not go all the way down. Turned on generator. Tried again, put it up, put it down. Plugged in. Wouldn’t go up - didn’t go down. After playing with it a few times, put in a call to an RV repair person. While waiting for his call Bill pushed button to put it up again. It went up. Then pushed button to put it down – it went down!
Got ready to leave. Pulled in the step, unplugged things, put things away, stowed the satellite (put it down). Oh, oh – satellite dish did not go all the way down. Turned on generator. Tried again, put it up, put it down. Plugged in. Wouldn’t go up - didn’t go down. After playing with it a few times, put in a call to an RV repair person. While waiting for his call Bill pushed button to put it up again. It went up. Then pushed button to put it down – it went down!
So we took off - happy campers.
We are still in Texas – sure is a lot of Texas to go through. We’re taking the I-20. Went through the “Hill Country” kind of pretty.

Saw some longhorns in a pasture – but didn’t have the camera on. Then through lots of cotton fields and lots of wind farms.

Those wind mills are sure big.There is a tractor parked right next to it.

Especially when compared to the old wooden ones standing near the farm houses.

Now we are into oil country. Can see the wells pumping away and smell the refineries.
We’re stopped in an RV park between Midland and Odessa. Both the TV and the Internet are working great. AND the weather has warmed up considerably. Nice warm breeze. As an aside, it has been raining in Indiana ever since we left. Got out of there just in time.
Stopped at Flying J for gas and to eat lunch. I got a piece of lemon meringue pie to go. That’s going to be my dinner!!! Don’t know what Bill will have.
wow amazing. love it. yeeey, lucky you guys....im planning my trip as well, to south america, by car. i was wondering if you could tell me please, how much money will i need for my trip. i am traveling alone, im 30 years old female, is it going to be safe? me traveling alone? thank you. god bless...:)