We’re in Central time now so both of us woke up before we wanted to. Jennie was on the road about 8:30 again. I had made reservations in Higgensville, MO about 250 miles away.
Pretty uneventful drive most of the way today. Weather was overcast most of the day but no rain. Stopped and ate breakfast then back on the road. Traffic was pretty light and the police were out in force. Think we saw more people getting tickets today then we’ve seen in the last two years together.
We traveled around the northern side of St Louis. Crossing the Mississippi. From the freeway bridge we could see the old Chain of Rocks Bridge – part of old Route 66. We walked out part way on it when we were there last year.

Then another one about a foot high pie – now that I would like to see for real.

Some where half way through our drive I caught a picture of this statue of a BIG bull standing in a field. Wish I’d been able to catch his face. He looked mean. Yesterday a big cross today a big bull.

Should not have talked about Gypsy in such good terms yesterday. Today she showed her sneakier side. We decided we wanted to go to a Wal*Mart to pick up a few things we needed. So asked Gypsy – she very nicely listed a couple that were near the freeway. Good, got off freeway followed directions – got to point where Wal*Mart was supposed to be oops – big empty field with a couple of dead trucks parked in the weeds. Back on freeway down the road a bit and off again. Followed directions – oops – this time there was a mall but no Wal*Mart. So Bill asked women in next car and she told us where one was – luckily not too far away. But we did see something neat on that detour. A corner lot had some really clever metal sculptures of horses in it. Pictures? Yes of course I took pictures.

Found the store and did our shopping (forgot the windshield wipers though.) Then back on the freeway.
Today we were on a ‘check the fuel mileage run’ – a even 55mph, pretty flat road so thought we’d get a pretty good idea. Stopped for fuel at a TA. Crap – this was one of those that only let you put so many dollars on your credit card. And that didn’t fill the tank – might know. And it wouldn’t take the credit card again. So off we went to the exit we were getting off on anyway and finished filling the tank at a Pilot. So had to do some math.
One strange thing we noticed was gasoline in the east side of Mo near St Louis was $2.17 a gallon. But on the west side near the campground it was $2.37 – same state different areas. Still quite a bit cheaper than diesel – so that was okay.
So we stopped for the day – campground is fine – pull through space and Wi-Fi and the TV is working fine. Wouldn’t want to stay here for a vacation but is great for over nigh
Just a neat picture of an old barn

My toe feels fine barefoot or in slippers but very uncomfortable in shoes. Sure am being careful about not bumping it.
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