Spent yesterday going through a bunch of CDs that we carried with us in the Alfa and put the songs I like on the computer – so won’t have to drag the extra weight around with us but will still be able to listen to music. Jennie doesn’t have a CD player – she has a cassette player! I think I still have some around will go look for them today. Speaking of Jennie – so what’s new? – except for the satellite (installation tomorrow [will believe it when I see it]) and putting on the solar panels (when we get back) she is done and we will be ready to go somewhere.
Went over to visit Alfie again – forgot to pick up the insurance papers first time we went there. Any way she was in the shop with her refrigerator all tore up – glad we are getting that done.
Later in the week already. Cannot believe it is September already. Wasn’t Memorial Day just last week???
Have spent a lot of time this week battling the Internet with bills etc. Oh for the days of paper and pencil. I thought “paperless” and “e-billing” and “on-line-banking” was supposed to make things easier. Ha! And the Internet is getting just as bad as phones. Before you can get to the page you want you have to go through all the sites “would you like to do this?” “Please enter your security answers” [What street did you live on when you were 7 years old? – HUH], “click to view”, “click to download”, “PDF or text?” So you click AND THEN NOTHING HAPPENS so you have to start all over again. Used to be you just opened an envelope and everything you wanted was right there. GRRRRRRRRRR. Bill just listens to me babble/swear and laughs.
OMG – Bill turned the furnace on in the house the other nite and again this a.m. it was so cool out. I didn’t think it was THAT cold in here. But then like he says I have my own personal summers. The last couple of days have been beautiful, in the low to mid 70s bright and sunny with blue skies and puffy white clouds. But it is warming up again to low 80s by tomorrow. Fall is coming though; some of the trees are already starting to turn. On our drive into Bloomington yesterday I saw one maple yesterday that was already completely orange. We went over there to buy the glass to do the border on my second window (and to eat at O’Charley’s). At least they had a piece. But weird – had to buy a full sheet – but…it is about six inches shorter than other full sheets and not cheaper. Sure hope we can get the pieces I need cut without any breakage. Not ready to do that part yet but wanted to be sure I had the glass. I have been working on the window the last couple of days though. Have four of the flowers and all the leaves done - and the bandages on my fingers to prove it.
The satellite installer came yesterday and will come back Friday; he didn’t have everything he needed to finish the install. This time we got a dish and a dome.?? The dish is for the Internet the dome for TV. Hopefully next time he will finish as we want to get on the road and see how everything works. The solar panels are here but won’t get them installed until we return from our trip.

Got some weird information about the satellite dish. Our installer also installs this system on a lot of the NASCAR drivers’ busses. We knew our dish was used but not by who? Whom? Well guess what – it came off of Kyle Bush’s motorhome! Seems Kyle wanted the bigger HD one instead. Works for me.
Well the installation should be finished today and I’ll have to learn how to swap not only the modem but the satellite when we go on the road. At home and in the Alfa we lock on to 89W – Jennie will be using 117 as it works best in Mexico. I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. Hope it’s not too hard. Keeps my mind working.
Night before last while walking into the den, I was barefoot as usual and caught my little toe on the leg of the couch. Heard a CRACK! Felt a snap and pain. Oh, oh my toe was pointing to the right – shouldn’t be doing that. Bill had no sympathy for me as he is always telling me to put my shoes on. But he did get me a bag of ice to put on it. As we watched it turned blue and puffed up. This a.m. it is still pretty swollen and blue and red a quarter of the way up the foot. A little more than sore too. Haven’t tried putting a shoe on but do have slippers on. It’s not the first time and probably won’t be the last. Nothing that can be done about it – maybe tape it to the next toe if it keeps sticking out to the right. Then just let it heal with time.
Another change in plans. The installer was here all day Friday and we still don’t have Internet in Jennie. Finally figured out that the modem was bad and he didn’t have a replacement with him. So can’t get it fixed until we get back. Will have to look for campgrounds with Wi-Fi I guess or reactivate my Air Card – hate to do that – Verizon charges $35 just to hit a button to turn it back on.
Going to call a few campgrounds today and see if I can get reservations for tomorrow night – if I can we will probably take off tomorrow morning towards Vegas. Going to take the northern route this time I-70 through Colorado. Haven’t gone that way before. Then maybe on to Monument Valley again.
So next time I write we should be on the road.
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