Well she is just about ready for a trip. Bill says he has no more to do inside.
I actually have done a couple of things too. REALLY, REALLY hard things. Like printing and framing a photo of the beach in Mexico.

Took Rubber Maid liner and made “cozys” to put around the glasses and cups so they won’t rattle when we’re moving.

Made a curtain to use at night to close off the front windows. Can just take it down and fold it up during the day – unless we want privacy! Found some real neat flamingo material so added pieces of it to the curtain. Kind of cute.

And what has Bill been doing while I've been
SO busy? He ordered a cover for the dash. Looks good. Was going to order it from an RV place until he found it from a truck place for 1/8th the cost!

Put a drawer under the table to hold odds and ends – tape, scissors, pencils etc. Found it when we were at Camping World the other day. One of the ladies from the RV forum I belong to mentioned them a while ago so was on the look out for one. Lined for noise control.

There is very little counter space – really no where to put the coffee pot – can’t have that!!! The only space there was was taken up by the cover for the trash can. So The Driver thought and thought and came up with a clever solution. First he hinged the trash can cover so only part of it needs to be opened to drop in trash. Then he built a platform for the coffee pot that fits over the other half of the trash cover. Pot sits nice and useful there. But….what if we need to take cover completely off to get out trash bag? TaDa. The coffee platform is on hinges and just swings out of the way. The set up ready for use.

Coffee pot holder in place

Swung back to get to trash.

Then he built me a counter extension cutting board. Folds up when needed and hangs down when not needed. Picture of it open and down.

The area behind the TV (old bunk bed area) is a great storage area. Lots of room back there.

And in front on the sides there is more storage- for things we want to be able to get to with ease. Probably will keep the printer there for one thing.

His chair and table should work out great. Can keep magazines and stuff in table and he can use it for his laptop.

Between two cupboards kitchen – living area was a little space – just a space – so he built a bottom with a riser on it and now I can keep my file folder there. Easy to get to and utilizing wasted space. Measuring the area.

Looking back - you can see the upholstery is in good shape and not too ugly.

Looking forward -

He’s been doing a lot of work outside in the storage areas too. Will save that for another time.
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