Trip home on Tuesday….We woke up to loud claps of thunder and some rain Tuesday morning. But soon it had all cleared up. Was cloudy and overcast but no problem. We left Columbus, OH around 9:30 – no need to hurry. Convinced Gypsy of the way we wanted to go and voila we were on I-70 heading west towards Indianapolis. Every once in awhile it would sprinkle for a little bit but not too bad.
By the time we reached the Indiana border it was getting darker out and the sprinkles were getting to be more rain than not. So we pulled into a rest area and spent about 45 minutes waiting out the shower. Sky had lightened up, rain had stopped so we thought we would make it home without problems.
About 20 miles east of Indianapolis it started raining again and the sky got pretty ugly looking. Big, thick, black, rolling clouds. The kind you see in horror movies. It started to sprinkle. Hummmm. Then it started to RAIN. Then blow. Found out later winds up to 60-70 miles per hour.

There are tail lights in that picture if you look hard.
Then sheets of rain. I swear it looked like we were driving up a river towards a waterfall. There were WAVES on the freeway. By now The Driver was going about 2 mph and looking for a place to stop. The 18 wheelers were stopping where they were – except for being blown sideways across the water covered highway.
All little cars were pulled over. Up in front of us about ¼ mile was an overpass. We – shouldn’t say we – I was just hanging on – The Driver crept slowly forward until we under the bridge. We waited the worst of it out there. Scariest experience I’ve ever had or want to have.
Saw lots of damage on way home. Trees, floods etc. Got home and had no power. Whole county was out. Ours came on around 8:30 p.m.
Went to bed early and got up in the morning to find out we had no water. Again the whole area was without water. Called Water Company to ask. Reply, “Because the electricity was still out in most of the area the pumps at the water pumping station were not working.” HAVEN’T THEY EVER HEARD OF GENERATORS????? Finally got water back around 11:00 at night. The entire little town of Nashville was closed – no power and no water. Joys of country living.
Every thing is back to normal for us now. But there are still areas without power. And we have a “boil water” decree in effect until Monday. Just went to the little grocery store in town and they had a big truck there delivering boxed and bottled water.

Sure glad we got the new roof when we did. Haven’t looked down the hill but up close to the house no trees went down.

Have had another really, really experience happen. I went out to get mileage from the motorhome to finish up my trip log and got a big surprise. Instead of the odometer reading “46175” like it should have it now reads “76455” Somehow between Columbus, Ohio and Nashville, IN (209 miles) it turned over 28,800 miles. We’re wondering if when we start it up and move it if it will go back to where it is supposed to be. If not our records are all screwed up. Will ask the people in the RV place when we take it in next week to get the recall on the refrigerator fixed if they ever heard of that before.
So that’s about it for now. Having company for dinner tonight. Bill’s cooking.
By the time we reached the Indiana border it was getting darker out and the sprinkles were getting to be more rain than not. So we pulled into a rest area and spent about 45 minutes waiting out the shower. Sky had lightened up, rain had stopped so we thought we would make it home without problems.
About 20 miles east of Indianapolis it started raining again and the sky got pretty ugly looking. Big, thick, black, rolling clouds. The kind you see in horror movies. It started to sprinkle. Hummmm. Then it started to RAIN. Then blow. Found out later winds up to 60-70 miles per hour.

There are tail lights in that picture if you look hard.
Then sheets of rain. I swear it looked like we were driving up a river towards a waterfall. There were WAVES on the freeway. By now The Driver was going about 2 mph and looking for a place to stop. The 18 wheelers were stopping where they were – except for being blown sideways across the water covered highway.
All little cars were pulled over. Up in front of us about ¼ mile was an overpass. We – shouldn’t say we – I was just hanging on – The Driver crept slowly forward until we under the bridge. We waited the worst of it out there. Scariest experience I’ve ever had or want to have.
Saw lots of damage on way home. Trees, floods etc. Got home and had no power. Whole county was out. Ours came on around 8:30 p.m.
Went to bed early and got up in the morning to find out we had no water. Again the whole area was without water. Called Water Company to ask. Reply, “Because the electricity was still out in most of the area the pumps at the water pumping station were not working.” HAVEN’T THEY EVER HEARD OF GENERATORS????? Finally got water back around 11:00 at night. The entire little town of Nashville was closed – no power and no water. Joys of country living.
Every thing is back to normal for us now. But there are still areas without power. And we have a “boil water” decree in effect until Monday. Just went to the little grocery store in town and they had a big truck there delivering boxed and bottled water.

Sure glad we got the new roof when we did. Haven’t looked down the hill but up close to the house no trees went down.

Have had another really, really experience happen. I went out to get mileage from the motorhome to finish up my trip log and got a big surprise. Instead of the odometer reading “46175” like it should have it now reads “76455” Somehow between Columbus, Ohio and Nashville, IN (209 miles) it turned over 28,800 miles. We’re wondering if when we start it up and move it if it will go back to where it is supposed to be. If not our records are all screwed up. Will ask the people in the RV place when we take it in next week to get the recall on the refrigerator fixed if they ever heard of that before.
So that’s about it for now. Having company for dinner tonight. Bill’s cooking.
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