Went through town Saturday. It was crawling with tourists. More than we’ve see all year. Sure hope it keeps up that way, a lot of the stores are suffering this year. October is the big month though. What with the leaves turning and all.
Took Jennie for a ride the other day – about 80 miles round trip. All went well. Seems strange to be riding so low to the ground – now I look at the semi’s wheels – in Alfie I can look at the driver’s faces! Went over to where Alfie is and unloaded a bunch of stuff from her and put it in Jennie. Now I/we just have to figure out where it should go for the best ease of use. Will take a couple of rearrangements I suppose.
Have discovered that Jennie has more storage space than I first thought – the only problem is it is not convenient storage. Have to reach up over things or squat down and go under things. Good exercise for me I guess. Lord knows that’s the only kind I get. I really wonder how we managed to live in the Pace Arrow (7 of us for 1 year in 24’) at the time it worked okay. Guess it’s all in what you get used to. As in “spoiled.”
Bill carpeted the oven so I can keep stuff in there – good thing it has to be lit from inside so I don’t set things on fire. Very seldom use the oven – think I’ve used Alfie’s only a couple of times. So he is still doing things to Jennie. Built little corner spaces in the entertainment center area – keep things there that we might want when moving down the highway – easy to reach – like my glasses, snacks etc.
And he’s added catches to the ceiling to keep some of the cupboard doors open. Ingenious. Went back to Camping World – we need to stay away from there! Got 2 more drawers for under the table, they work great for all that little stuff you forever need – pencils, pens, stapler, note paper etc. Also a couple of tissue (Kleenex) holders – can’t be without tissues. Had to laugh, Bill called CW and asked if they had them in stock, the guy went and looked and came back and said “Nope.” So we bought a couple of wood ones instead. Well lo and behold when we got to CW there they were right on the shelf. Dah! We also got our magazine rack from Penny’s. It will work great for the campground books, maps, etc.
I forgot to mention he also built a holder for his shaver in the bathroom as there are no drawers in there.
We’ve spent the last couple of days crawling the Internet looking for the “Stick on States” maps of Mexico and Canada. Everyone has the US but it was a challenge to find the other two. Finally found them in an RV place in Las Vegas no less. Will put them on when we get them.
Did I mention we are now (in our eyes) officially farmers? We have a corn crop and a watermelon crop.Of course there is only one stalk of corn and only two watermelons. But they are ours – we grew them! We also have lots of strawberry plants but the chipmunks and squirrels eat the berries before we can harvest them.
The side/back yard is looking good. Everything is growing and green. The pond is staying clean and looks great.
Must be good water too as we now have a bumper “crop” of tiny fish. Hope some of them make it through the winter.

Not much else going on around here. The electricity and water haven’t gone out lately and no weird happenings in the Sherriff’s log.
Watched the truck race last night – Kyle won – again. He’s won three out of the last four races he’s run in. Two truck and one Cup. Probably would have won the Nationwide too if he hadn’t been wrecked by a rookie who came down across the track right into him. He was leading. As I said not much going on around here.
I discovered something new - to me anyway - the other day. Canada Dry makes a sparkling Green Tea Ginger Ale in cans. It's pretty good. Refreshing.
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