Tuesday – the sun was out again and it turned out to be a warm day. Kept that air conditioning on. Think I have finally figured out how to do this blog without going bonkers. Guess I’ll find out when I try to post this.
We spent the day here in the campground, Bill was feeling a little under the weather. So just vegged out.
Wed. – This morning it is cloudy again. Supposed to be scattered thundershowers. Oh Well, what’s new.
Despite the weather forecast we piled into Willie and went back to Intercourse. The more I thought about the corn salsa and sweet pickles the more I’d wished I’d bought some. Also wanted to try and find a pattern for the quilt I liked so much. Couldn’t find it on the web.
Breathing today was like trying to breath under water. And we could see the air hanging over the fields. Didn’t rain though. But got warm! Ugh!
We took a different route out there today. No wandering through the country but done a nice country road. Went through a town called Manheim. Founded in 1762 really neat buildings. Driving along we could hear a train whistle – got louder and louder. Sounded like it was coming from our left. But when we got to the tracks we saw it was coming from the right. Very slowly. No arms to come down across the road but blinking red lights. As we stopped and were watching it a man, in light blue overalls climbed out of the train and walked in front of it out on to the street. He then waved his red flag at the traffic to make sure it stopped!!!!! After the engine got across the street he climbed back into the engine. Now that was interesting. Wonder how many times a day he gets in and out of that engine?

When we got to Intercourse we went into a couple of restaurants thinking we’d have a bite to eat but both were so cold inside we couldn’t stay. (Neither of us had taken a jacket. A jacket? It’s 80 degrees out.) So got down to business and went to buy my pickles and salsa. Got a couple big jars of each. Yum, yum. Also a jar of chow chow (kind of pickled mixed vegetables.) I remember my Mom used to make that. Also got some chips so we can eat the salsa before we get home.
Then we went to one of the big quilt/fabric stores. They had the pattern I was looking for. Had to buy it of course – that’s why we drove 30 miles. They also had a quilt museum that I missed last time. Took some pictures of a couple of the quilts to share. Amazing.

Ah – warm inside. We both had the buffet. Very good food. Bill had fried chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables. I had sauerkraut with pulled pork. Heavenly! Also sweet corn. And for desert I had Carrot Cake and ….drum roll…..ShooFly Pie. Have always heard about it but never tried it. It is very, very sweet. Finally asked what it was made of - dates, molasses, brown sugar. Yep that’s sweet. Bill asked why it was called Shoo Fly Pie. I didn’t know but he speculated that maybe ’cause it is so sweet that the flies were attracted to it as it sat on a windowsill cooling. Turns out he was right. see this link http://www.amishnews.com/amisharticles/shooflypie.htm
From there we went to York to the Harley Davidson factory. Unfortunately the wait for the tour was over an hour. And they weren’t really in production. We have already toured a different plant. So didn’t wait. Nice bikes though.

Then on back to the motorhome where we have been entertained by the ducks? geese? wandering through the campground. Still very humid out but no rain.

Also made reservations for our trip back – leave here Friday.
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