Gypsy took us right to the Independence National History Park. Drove around it then back on to the street to park. Our Hillbillyness came out trying to feed the parking meter. $4 for two hours. Put in credit card – wouldn’t take it. Tried again, rejected again. By now two guys were waiting for us to finish. So tried dollar bills. Got them back! I put them in upside down and machine didn’t like that. Guy behind us very nicely explained it to us and everything went fine. Got our stub for our two hours. Asked the other guy about where to eat and he pointed out a café right across the street. Glad we took his advice delicious food. Both of us had wonderful salads. Mine was spinach, sliced apples, steamed beets, candied pecans and gorgonzola cheese topped with pomegranate vinaigrette dressing. YUM.

From there we walked up the street to Independence Hall. Had to have purse searched before entering the area. Didn’t tour Independence Hall as we didn’t have a ticket (free) and didn’t have time to go get one. So walked around took lots of pictures.

Asked why flag was at half staff and park ranger told us That President Obama declared the day – Armistice Day for Korean War. Hum…

Then across the street to see the Liberty Bell. Being an immigrant Bill really likes to visit places like this. He even wanted to have his picture taken there. (Had purse searched again going into building.)
From there we visited the Independence Visitor Center – had to make it quick as our two hours were slipping away.

Arrived at car just a meter maid was writing ticket. My watch and the meter box were four minutes different. She was very nice and was able to cancel the ticket as she hadn’t finished writing it. Whew! Then she told us about a couple areas we should really visit. The Betsy Ross House and Elfreth’s Alley – the oldest residential street. Saw the old Post Office, heard a tour guide say this is the only Post Office without a flag flying in front of it. But the light changed and I didn’t hear why. It interesting how narrow some of the buildings are – only two windows wide.

Found the area we want to go to. This time meter parking was 1 hour for 25cents. Really neat area, several murals and all old buildings. Walked up and down Elfreth’s Alley. Homes built in the 1700s and still being lived in today. Talked to one lady who lived there and she says they “Love living there.”

Then around the corner to the Betsy Ross House. While there we watched a “soldier” clean and load a musket. He showed how to hold the rod with just his little finger not his whole hand. That way if it accidently went off he would only lose his finger, not the hand. But he added, “Usually the muskets did not go off ‘half cocked’.” So that’s where that expression came from. Interesting.

Just one of the murals we saw.

Back to car and had to find Rocky Balboa’s statue. Got a picture as we drove by. Saw a tourist group riding Segways. I’d probably kill myself on one.

Then back to campground. Opened the door to Alfie and about fell over. Forgot to leave the air on. Very warm in there. So we immediately turned around and went out to dinner. Good excuse. Ate at a very good Italian place just west of Hershey. Then back to motorhome where we spent the rest of the night gabbing with the neighbors.

The end of a very nice day.
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